Pomodoro On Os X Updated

Mar 29, 2018 09:03 · 253 words · 2 minute read pomodoro

Pomodoro Expanded

Previously I had created a post where I talked about using the pomodoro technique on mac OSX. Well today I want to show how I have expanded on my original idea. First I created this:

#! /bin/sh
at now + $1 minutes <<< $2

Which is a small script to run a bash command at some time in the future. Then I created this:

x=`/usr/bin/osascript <<EOT
tell application "Finder"
    set myReply to text returned of (display dialog "Start 25 mins: Please put in task" default button 1 buttons {"OK"} default answer "" with icon 1)
end tell
echo 'Text is: '$x
if [[ -z "$x" ]]; then
  echo "Done for the day"
  mkdir -p $HOME/work
  touch $HOME/work/daily_pomodoro.txt
  echo `date` $x >> $HOME/work/daily_pomodoro.txt
  delayed_mac 25 five_min

Which is little script that takes a description of what I’m going to be doing for the next 25 mins and then logs that to a file with a time. Finally I created this:

x=`/usr/bin/osascript <<EOT
tell application "Finder"
    set myReply to text returned of (display dialog "Start 25 mins: Please put in task" default button 1 buttons {"OK"} default answer "" with icon 1)
end tell
echo 'Text is: '$x
if [[ -z "$x" ]]; then
  echo "Done for the day"
  mkdir -p $HOME/work
  touch $HOME/work/daily_pomodoro.txt
  echo `date` $x >> $HOME/work/daily_pomodoro.txt
  delayed_mac 25 five_min

Now all I have to do is run the script and I can keep track of what I’m doing all day.

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